Distribution of Social Goods
Cultural Diversity
Social Integration
Political Reshaping
Environment and Society

Information can be found on three different levels:
The five chapters of the Social Report. You have access to these at any time through the menu bar on the left.
Each chapter is subdivided into 15 indicators. The indicators consist of diagrams, which appear as vignettes on this level and which can be clicked individually.
Each indicator is represented by up to nine diagrams where the data are explained in detail. From the diagrams, you have access to the data.
The data are available in two formats: firstly in html format, which is used for all websites. This format is therefore available to all users, but it is not very practical for working with the data. For this reason, the data are also included in Excel format. These Excel files can be opened with other statistical programs too, as well as with the freeware ‘open office‘:
You can navigate via the menu bar on the left of the screen, which leads direct to the individual chapters. In each chapter, a list of the 15 indicators relative to that chapter is presented first.
After choosing an indicator by clicking it, the diagrams appear in the form of vignettes. By clicking a vignette, the diagram can be enlarged and detailed information referring to this diagram will be shown. Inversely, you can also click the diagram in order to return to the indicators.
The navigation tool with arrows makes it possible to go from one indicator to another, or from one diagram to the next within the same indicator:
- The upward/downward arrows
 are active in the diagrams and lead to the next and previous diagram respectively.
- The left/right arrows
 are active in both the indicators and the diagrams and lead respectively to the previous and next indicator (if you are in an indicator) or diagram (if you are in a diagram).
- The middle button
makes it possible to return to the home page. If you wish to change the language, use the link above the navigation tool.
Use of the Data
Use of the data is allowed providing complete details of the source are given. These should include the source given in the diagrams and a reference to this publication. The editors will accept no responsibility in the case of misuse of the data.
This CD-ROM is included with the publication Swiss Social Report 2008.
Contents: Christian Suter, Silvia Perrenoud,
René Levy, Ursina Kuhn, Pascale Gazareth, Dominque Joye
Layout: Grégoire Métral, Fredy Kuhn and Dominique Joye
Graphics: Walo von Büren, Zurich
Cover: Gregg Skerman, Zurich
Published with financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Foundarion for Research in the Social Sciences FORS and the Faculté des
Lettres et Sciences Humaines de l’Université de Neuchâtel.
Production: CD-Mediacting, CH-1025 St-Sulpice.
CD_Rom Linux, Mac, Windows, tested with Symantec Antivirus, version from 11.11.2008